Type & Temperament since 1985

puppies 2021


DKCH SUCH KBHV16. 6 x CACIB Starlings Camelot 'Saga'

kuld i 2021

19.august 2021 blev årets eneste kuld født. 4 hvalpe - 1 tæve og 3 hanner. Egentlig skulle de navngives med navne begyndende med I - da vi er kommet til I - for 3.gang, men det blev tiil ABBA sangtitler. Starlings Voulez-Vouz ( tæve), Starlings Super Trouper, Starlings One of Us og Starlings Does Your Mother Know. 

Kuldet var en gentagelse af kombinationen fra 2020:

INTCH SUCH NCH NORDCH Natinskees Bing Crosby x DKCH SUCH KBHV16 Starlings Camelot. 

On 19 August 2021, the year's only litter was born. 4 puppies - one bitch and 3 dogs. This was our I-3 litter named: Starlings Voulez-Vous ( bitch), Starlings Super Trouper, Starlings One of Us and Starlings Does Your Mother Know. 

The litter was a repeat of that from 2020:

INTCH SUCH NCH NORDCH Natinskees Bing Crosby x DKCH SUCH KBHV16 Starlings Camelot. 

Starlings Volouz-Vous 'Pigeon' 8 weeks old. Owned by Starling Kennels

Pigeon 6 months old

Pigeon 8 months old

Pigeon wins BOS and the Swedish CC at the SKK show in Tvååker 9.7.22

Pigeon wins CC and two titles at the DKK Int.Dogshow at Bornholm 13 & 14.8.22

Pigeon wins the juniorclass 3 days in a row - and the title of DANISH JUNIORCHAMPION at the DKK international dogshows in Vejen 2022

Starlings Super Trouper 8 weeks old

Starlings Super Trouper 8 months old, and just stripped

Starlings Does Your Mother Know

Starlings Does Your Mother Know 5 months old

Starlings One of Us